
離 れ release

When the moment of release lasts matured, the kake-hand strikes out to the right like a sword that is rotatably mounted at the elbow or like snow falling heavily from a bamboo leaf. Your look follows the Ya to the goal. The energy in the body must not be lost.

For advanced:
We distinguish three forms of Hanare:

     setsu short (bent) and sharp
     butsu medium (half stretched) and elegant
     futsu long (stretched) and powerful

E sha jo ri - 会 者 定 離

E and Kai are synonyms as are Ri and Hanare.
The saying "e sha jo ri" comes from the Buddhist doctrine:

     e means meeting
     sha means person
     jo means decide
     ri means to solve

That means, "Kai and Hanare are one."

The meeting is the farewell, the unity is the separation, birth and death, receive and let go.


Original: German

Translation: Google